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Pineapple Juice to Recover from Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Pineapple Juice to Recover from Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Many people turn to alternative medicine to help them deal with lots of issues, including pain. These remedies are not only appealing because they are simple and affordable, but they can also be a lot more enjoyable than what traditional medicine has to offer.


For instance, instead of taking painkillers to control your symptoms following a tooth extraction, you can drink some pineapple juice instead!


Or can you?


Let’s break it down:


Does Pineapple Juice Help After a Tooth Extraction?


Lots of people have gone viral on social media, claiming pineapple juice helped them recover after tooth extraction.


And as it turns out, these people were not necessarily lying!


There is a compound in pineapple called bromelain, an enzyme that triggers the body’s ability to fight pain and swelling. 

Technically, eating pineapple or drinking the juice may give the body the bromelain it needs to kickstart this response and make the post-tooth extraction healing process a lot more comfortable.


The important word here is "technically."


Why You Shouldn’t Jump on This Trend


There are several things to consider with this pain-reducing hack:


  1. Bromelain concentration


Pineapple doesn’t have a lot of bromelain in it. One study found that 26 pounds of pineapple contained around 31.21 mg of bromelain, meaning just 0.26% of the entire batch.


When tested, researchers usually give them 200mg of bromelain or more, so you’d have to drink a lot of pineapple juice to get close to just one tablet of bromelain.


  1. Excess sugars


Pineapple juice might not have a lot of bromelain, but it definitely has lots of sugar. Your mouth is vulnerable after an extraction, and adding extra sugars is not a good idea. Bacteria love sugar, and it could increase your risk for cavities or even post-extraction complications.


  1. Potential side-effects


When you drink it in large quantities, pineapple juice can lead to nausea or an upset stomach. The potential drawbacks definitely outweigh the benefits.


How to Manage Discomfort Following an Extraction


Pain and swelling after a tooth is pulled out only lasts for a few days. It’s better to use over-the-counter pain medications to control your discomfort rather than drink large amounts of pineapple juice.


Other things you can do include:

  • Eat softer foods.
  • Chew on the other side of your mouth.
  • Apply a cold compress to your cheek.
  • Clean your mouth after every meal.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Take it slow and rest.


Think You Might Need a Tooth Extraction?


Dr. Emily Dodds and Dr. Dustin Dodds’ priorities are to save your natural teeth whenever possible. But if extraction is unavoidable, you can access a painless and stress-free experience at our practice.


Schedule a consultation at Dodds Dental today and come find out if you need an extraction or whether the tooth can be saved.


For more information, call us at (562) 439-0754 today.

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